Media Training

Making the Fourth Estate Work for You

Media Training

Every media interaction can be a valuable opportunity for your business. That’s the approach that BMF takes, and our media training services give our clients the knowledge, experience and confidence to seize these opportunities, foster good media relations, and advance client interests. That said, we are hyper aware of the pitfalls inherent in today’s media climate as well.

Our media training is customized for each client, and for each designated staff member. We begin by helping identify corporate and individual goals and objectives, and by engaging each trainee in discussions regarding their role within the organization, previous media experiences, and concerns or fears about engaging with the media. From there, we employ a mix of interactive lectures, multimedia presentations, demonstrations of winning techniques drawn from real-world settings, personalized message development, and on-camera simulated interviews based on issues and situations relevant to each client. We don’t believe in tearing our pupils down just to build them up. In fact while a baptism by fire media training experience may be the industry norm, identifying a baseline and building from there is our training hallmark. The BMF result? A confident but cautious, fully prepared camera and microphone ready team, capable of maximizing each media opportunity.