Cyber Security

Battle Tested Experience: Your Best Defense Against Cyber Attacks

Cyber Security

All crises have a cadence. While each cyber crisis is unique, there are cycles of crisis that every cyber attack shares, and elements in common: bad actors, information that must be safeguarded and bottom lines that must be protected to ensure that victims’ reputations remain intact to fight another day. Discretion in communicating is just as vital as the right strategy and messaging.

In cyber security breaches and beyond, we are experts --- experienced, accessible, innovative, and deeply committed to protecting our clients’ reputations and bottom lines.  Because cyber threat actors don’t discriminate by business sector or geography, our depth of experience in energy, maritime, banking and financials, healthcare, education, government and more brings immediate and impactful value-added to every threat, data breach or intellectual capital intrusion.

With wide ranging crisis response experience over decades and around the world the BMF cyber crisis response team applies our risk analysis, incident planning and real-time crisis response success to the constantly evolving cyber threat landscape in partnership with some of the most highly regarded cyber protection and recovery experts in the world. Together, we help our clients prepare for, respond to and navigate data breaches and the theft of confidential information to avoid or minimize damage to financial stability, corporate and personal reputations and liability, and even licenses to operate.    

Like the experienced fighters we are, working together, we help get our clients off their proverbial back foot and back on track toward business as usual with minimal disruption or damage.

With unprecedented experience working together the BMF team knows that in a cyber crisis, time really is money, accentuating the importance of thoughtful, reality-based planning that reflects the entire threat landscape, stakeholder prioritization, and finely tuned and accurate messaging that aligns with the cadence, rhythm and lifecycle that every crisis tends to follow.     

While our expert cyber risk management partners handle the logistics, the interface with law enforcement and financial institutions and even the negotiations, our team works to win the always important internal and external communications battles through rigid discipline, steely-eyed focus, a comprehensive understanding of the regulatory compliance landscape, and hour by hour analysis of what critical stakeholders are thinking and responding to regarding the crisis at hand.  

"No matter how well a crisis is handled overall, you can not be successful without winning internal and external communications that ultimately define your organization’s legacy and protect your bottom line."
Virginia Miller