Digital & Social Media

Driving the Digital Conversation

Digital & Social Media

The Internet is the greatest information tool in history – and the greatest misinformation tool as well. Steering the right course across the ever-expanding number of platforms, controlling the narrative, and avoiding the many and constantly evolving minefields, leads to driving the online conversation in a way that communicates your core values and mobilizes your target audiences to come along for the ride. 

We navigate the digital landscape with a data-driven approach, using precise analytics, SEO and SEM best practices, and other quantifiable methodologies that connect your digital investment with your bottom-line results. From strategic development to tactical execution for voice, content marketing and brand enhancement, from product launches to online reputation management, and real time monitoring to ensure you don’t miss a beat, BMF provides comprehensive digital and social media services that propel our clients’ success.

Featured Projects

Poydras Corridor Sculpture Exhibition

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Tulane Doctors Neuroscience

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